St. Leonharderstraße 3
AT - 4293 Gutau
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Panorama of: FÄRBERMUSEUM GUTAU (c) by FÄRBERMUSEUM GUTAU. All rights reserved.

In the "Färberhaus" in the Mühlviertler municipality of Gutau, where the "Färbermuseum" is now locates, dyeing and "Blaudruck" were produced until 1968. You know the "Blaudruck" from the "Dirndl-dresses" which are now very popular again in Austria and Bavaria. Our cultural mediators wear these "Bladuruck-Dirndl" and enthusiastically show how to dye blue with INDIGO and how to print the "Papp" with the "Modeln" so that the white patterns are later created. They have many anecdotes to tell about the journeymen dyers who traveled trough half of Europa during their travels. Many proverbs that we use every day come from the "blue coloring" - for example "blue Monday", "experience a blue miracoe" or "put somone througth the Mangel". The "Mangel" ist also the heart of the dyeing Museum in Gutau, is still functional today and, despite its 12 tons weight, can be moved by just one person unsing a Göpel drive. Discover the world and uncover the mayr secrets of "BLAUDRUCK" with a visit to the FÄRBERMUSEUM GUTAU.