
The "Gerippte Museum - Raum für Apfelweinkultur" is the first and only cider museum in Hesse and probably in Germany. The sponsoring association is the Apfelwein Centrum Hessen! ( Attractions are the "Biggest Bembel in the World" certified by the Guinness Book as well as the "Biggest Ribbed in the World". The focus of the exhibition is on information about the Hessian cider culture as well as display boards on production, history, ecology, economy, culture & enjoyment and international. There are also showcases with historical cider glasses ("Gerippte"), Bembel and lids with information boards. Currently, the museum is being expanded by another room. Since March 2022, the "Craft Cider Culture" in Hesse has been included in the nationwide directory of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO and is honored accordingly in the museum. The construction and expansion of the museum was and will be funded by the city of Hanau, the Main-Kinzig-Kreis, the regional association FrankfurtRheinMain and private donors.